Work on whistleblower protection law is gathering pace



Dear Sirs, we would like to inform you that on 6 March 2024, a new bill on protection of whistleblowers was posted on the website of the Governmental Legislation Centre (print no. UC1), which aims to implement the EU Directive No. 2019/1937 of 23 October 2019 on the protection of whistleblowers. The new bill, like […]

New information on whistleblowers



We would like to inform you that the transposition of the EU Whistleblower Directive into the Polish legal system may soon become a reality. As announced, the government plans to adopt a draft law in the first quarter of 2024, although the extension of the work is not excluded, as of 18.01.2024. The Stefan Batory […]

HOLDING LAW – changes to the Commercial Companies Code



As of 13 October 2022, the Act amending the Act – Commercial Companies Code and certain other acts will come into force. The holding company law (concern law) will regulate areas of the operation of capital groups that have so far been regulated only residually in the Commercial Companies Code. It will affect the operation […]

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